PROTECTION SECURITY High-Risk Terminations

High-risk and unknown risk separation & termination services

When emotions are high, logic and rational response is low.  We can help!

When dealing with high-risk terminations, considerations have to be made for the safety of everyone involved.  Eliminating one or more employees can be very emotional, not only for the people leaving but also for those remaining. Plant closings with layoffs or a reduction in force will affect the entire community.  Additionally, stressors that come from a person’s home life can also directly impact the workplace.  Strategos will provide both consultation in developing mitigation plans as well as protection services during these uncertain and stressful situations.

High-risk terminations require due diligence and a detailed preparation plan before separating an employee. The Human Resources staff and supervisors should plan for all possible reactions and outcomes from the individual, other workers, and the community at large, so they are not caught off guard. There will always be the potential for emotions to run high, logic to run low and actions to become physical in the heat of the moment. However, all parties should maintain a high level of awareness that a threat can also initiate at a later time. Learn how to prepare supervisors and staff to recognize behavior patterns that can become dangerous and introduce emergency response procedures to mitigate the danger. 

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Ways that We Serve you:

  • Reduction in Force Initiatives
  • Behavior Risk Analysis
  • Layoffs
  • Training for Leading Practices for High-Risk Terminations
  • Plant Closings
  • Physical Security Risk Assessments