PROTECTION SECURITY Workplace Violence Mitigation

We are the nation’s leader in workplace violence preparedness and response solutions!

 Fear comes from having a problem without a solution!

Let us provide the solutions to these problems and your organization will increase capability and reduce FEAR and ANXIETY in these uncertain times! 

Strategos is the nation’s leader on workplace violence preparedness and response mitigation

Start Your Protection Training Now

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Ways that We Serve you:


    Our consulting solutions include physical security and behavior risk assessments, workplace violence manual/policy development, life safety special event planning, high-risk termination mitigation planning, reduction in force (layoffs) initiative planning, and labor strike planning.


    Our training solutions include active shooter IN PERSON, E-learning and virtual reality training, behavior risk assessment introduction training, leading practices for high-risk terminations, workplace violence training, and conflict management & de-escalation training.


    Our protection solutions include high-risk termination protection, workplace violence mitigation protection, VIP/C-suite executive protection, reduction in force executive protection as well as high-risk travel protection solutions for VIP’s and C-suite executives